Thursday 26 May 2011


Been rendering over the last week.
I have been rendering a JPG for each frame then Im going to put it into an avi using adobe premiere

Also I have been having an issue with the biped model. it seems attempting to scale down the model after the bone structure has been applied distorts the whole body. there fore i would have to rebone it to make it fit into my seem
I cannot on time do as it was an unforeseeable setback, however I will include the files in my dissertation and have the model in my scene still.

something I wanted to do was add muzzle flashes to the robots arms in Adobe After Effects but it looks to be more technical than I expected and might not have the time.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Grey box camera movement

Here is the the grey box camera movement. Its the grey box because textures and reflections add a good 30 seconds on each frame.

The only thing I need to tweak is the speed the flag moves when its seen.

Monday 23 May 2011

progress update

The rigging of a person and robots have been complete, minor tearing on the biped model which I am trying to solve. Also finishing up animation of the scene and lighting effects all to be done within the next two days

After that it's just a load of rendering to look forward to Here are a few pictures with default daylighting of the progress I have.

Way I created the biped model is by altering a human mesh in mudbox then importing it into 3ds max and building around the model to keep the ratio correct of its clothes. Also haven't put any textures into it yet.
